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Master in Geosciences (Meteorology and Oceanography)

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 4 semesters
Cost See website

The atmosphere and the oceans are the two main components of the climate system. With a masters degree in meteorology and oceanography you get a deep understanding of the physical processes governing the climate system. This understanding is of vital importance in providing predictions to society on short time scales (e.g. weather forecasts, ocean currents) and for long-term climate change. Transport of pollutants and biogeochemical material through the atmosphere and oceans is also important to the planetary ecosystems and our human societies.

You get the opportunity to study the atmosphere and oceans using numerical atmospheric and/or oceanic models, and to study observational data, both from the department's field experiments or from available sources (e.g. satellite data). Interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere and between the atmosphere and the terrestrial system (e.g. snow, vegetation, effects of volcanic eruptions, etc.) are important areas.

In Meteorology the specific focus is on: Modelling and use of observations to understand processes in the climate system, modelling of atmospheric chemistry in relation to climate change and air pollution, cloud physics and relations between aerosols and clouds, and numerical weather forecasting at mid and high latitudes.

In Oceanography we focus on: Numerical modelling of ocean currents and transport, analytical models of physical and dynamical processes in the ocean (including small-scale and large-scale turbulent mixing), and atmosphere-ocean exchange processes.

Computational skills are essential in both meteorology and oceanography and you will be using modern computer facilities for modelling and visualization of weather, climate and ocean processes. Training in oral and written presentation of scientific results is also an integrated part of the study.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

Learning outcomes

After you have completed a master’s in geoscience, you will have acquired the following knowledge, skills and competence:


You can contribute to advanced knowledge development within a specialised area and its applications.

  • You will have advanced knowledge within the broader subject field and specialised insight in a limited area.

  • You will have a thorough knowledge of the scientific theories and methods that relate to the subject.

  • You can apply your knowledge to new areas within the subject field.

  • You can analyse the professional approach to a problem with your background knowledge of the subject area’s history, tradition, distinctive quality, and place in society.


You can make critical and considered choices between key methods and tools from research and working practice:

  • You can analyse existing theories, methods and interpretations within your subject area and work independently to solve practical and theoretical problems.

  • You can use relevant methods for independent research and development.

  • You can analyse and critically evaluate different sources of information and use these to structure and formulate professional arguments.

  • You can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in keeping with applicable research ethics standards.

General competence

You can contribute to the development of the subject and analyse its potential and also its limitations – professional, ethical and societal:

  • You can analyse relevant professional and research-related ethical problems.
  • You can contribute to re-evaluation and innovation processes.
  • You can explain and communicate complex professional work, both your own and others, to different target groups.
  • You can explain comprehensive independent work and have a good command of the subject’s terminology.
  • You can communicate approaches to a problem, analyses and your conclusions, both to specialists and others.
  • You can apply your knowledge and skills in new areas to carry out advanced work tasks and Projects.


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ISCED Categories

Project management
Physical and chemical oceanography
Scientific modelling