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Master of Arts in Maritime Archaeology & Underwater Cultural Heritage

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 4 semesters
Cost 4,800 EURO

This program aims to provide graduates in archaeology or related disciplines, with a sound theoretical and methodological grounding in the investigation, interpretation and management of maritime and underwater archaeological resources. Hence it would provide the basis for a professional career in this field or a sound foundation for further research. Its duration would be two years full-time (four semesters) during which students will take eight taught courses, five of which are compulsory core courses in addition to three elective ones. Additionally, students will be expected to produce a thesis by the end of the fourth semester.

Master of Arts in Maritime Archaeology & Underwater Cultural Heritage:

The degree includes eight units taught over the duration of four semesters. Four compulsory core units in addition to four optional units. Students are also required to write a 15,000 – 20,000 word dissertation which is produced as the result of independent research undertaken during the degree.

The Courses
Courses offered throughout the programmes include:

Maritime Archaeology: Provides a platform for exploring a wide range of themes relating to the study of the maritime past.

Archaeology Underwater: Deals with the logistical, technical and methodological issues related to the practice of archaeology in underwater environments.

Heritage Management in the Coastal Zone:   Investigates fundamental issues of assessment, monitoring, conservation and public presentation of  maritime archaeological material.

Ancient Seafaring: Provides an appreciation of aspects of harbour and shipwreck archaeology and maritime conditions, within the context of seafaring in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Introduction to the Marine Environment: Looks at the different coastal processes which determine the formation and preservation of archaeological sites in marine, riverine and lacustrine environments.

Ancient Boats and Ships: Aims to examine the watercrafts of the ancient world, operating environments, methods of propulsion and steering and the materials and tools used in their construction.

Conservation of Water-logged Finds: Provides an appreciation of the problems associated with waterlogged materials and the care and treatment of artefacts recovered from marine sites.

Research Skills: Aims to teach and enhance the skills necessary for independent research at postgraduate level as well as computing skills, writing and publication in a variety of forms.

Structural components

ISCED Categories

Marine archaeology