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Structured PhD (Earth & Ocean Sciences)

PhD (ISCED 2011 level 8)


Duration 8 semesters
Entry level Master
Cost €5750 EU, €14750 non-EU


  1. Biogeoscience Group: studies of the Irish sea floor and marine—groundwater interactions. 
  2. Geofluids Group: investigations into the role of fluids in the mineralogical, chemical, and structural evolution of the Earth's crust.
  3. Magmatic Studies Group: investigations into the petrogenesis of magmatic and related rocks.
  4. Oceanography Group: studying physical, chemical and biological interactions in the oceans.

Areas of interest:

  • Physical habitat mapping 
  • Caledonian/Variscan geology 
  • Other geological topics 
  • Marine geophysics 
  • Land-based geophysics 
  • Hydrogeology 
  • Physical oceanography 
  • Chemical oceanography
  • Palaeontology and Evolution
  • Carbonate Sedimentology
  • Metals in Groundwater
  • Coastal Karstic Aquifers
  • Integrated catchment management
  • Sedimentary Provenance (new techniques and applications)
  • “Source to Sink” modelling of sedimentary basins
  • Evolution of modern and ancient large-scale drainage systems
  • Climate records in sedimentary archives
  • Ocean acidification
  • Carbon cycling in coastal waters
  • Trace element cycling in coastal waters
Structural components

Application procedure

For postgraduate courses, click here to make your application. You will need an active email account to use the website and you'll be guided through the system, step by step, until you complete the online form. Browse the FAQ's section for further guidance. The cost of applying is €35 and is a non-refundable application fee.

You must upload to your application electronically. For supporting documents, you will be given instructions on this once you submit your application. However, you can see online in advance what supporting documents you're likely to be asked for.

Applicants must speak to the research group leader before applying though PAC.

You can submit your application at any time. You should allow at least four weeks, from the date we receive your application, to when you can expect to receive notification of whether you have been offered a place on a research programme. 


To be eligible to enter on a programme of study and research for the degree of PhD you must have reached a high honours standard at the examination for the primary degree or presented such evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of your fitness.

ISCED Categories

Project management
Policy and governance
Marine Geology
Physical and chemical oceanography
Marine spatial planning