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Invasion Biology



Formato del curso On-site
Fecha 2021-04-26 - 2021-06-27
Nivel de entrada Bachelor

Basic concepts in invasion biology. Overview of invasive and exotic species of animals and plants with example cases. Characterisation and classification of invasive species and biological societies open to invasion. Population dynamics, population genetics, and evolutionary aspects of biological invasions. General hypotheses for the occurrence of invasions and their theoretical and empirical support. Expected and actual ecological consequences for invaded societies. Management strategies to prevent the spread and reduce the detrimental effects of exotic and invasive species.


Population biology courses and conservation courses are recommended.

Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.

Resultados del aprendizaje

To provide the students with in-depth knowledge of the population ecology and evolution of exotic and invasive species of animals and plants, including theoretical aspects. To provide insight into methods for studying the mechanisms responsible for the ecological success of these species. To give the students competence in discussing and assessing strategies to counteract possible detrimental effects of exotic species on existing ecosystems and human societies. To train practical skills in oral and written dissemination of the knowledge acquired.

By completing the course the student achieves:


  • explain important concepts and current hypotheses for species invasions and the invasibility of biological communities.
  • describe and explain different types of biological effects of species invasions, with example cases covering a range of organisms and ecosystems.


  • propose studies or experiments to test important hypotheses in invasion biology.
  • explain and apply mathematical and simulation models relevant to biological invasions.
  • explain and evaluate management strategies and policies in relation to exotic species.


  • discuss special issues of invasion biology in the context of general population dynamics, population genetics, community ecology, and evolutionary ecology.
  • independently retrieve and select information from the scientific literature and other relevant sources.
  • present and critically discuss in detail original scientific papers and reviews about invasion biology.
  • based on independent studies of the scientific literature, present important topics in invasion biology in oral and written form at a level approaching the scientific standard.


Categorías CINE (ISCED)
